Hi, I’m Jeremy!
Jeremy Freed
Jeremy Freed graduated from Columbia University with honored degrees in English and Creative Writing, and membership in the Order of Omega Honors Society. A past recipient of the Ohio State Senate Award for Oratorical Excellence, and long-time color commentator for the Columbia Athletics radio network, Jeremy is renowned amongst TestTakers instructors for his captivating classes and unsurpassed eloquence. When not directing the Garden City or Staten Island (or periodic Roslyn) courses, he can be found lamenting the failures of Cleveland sports franchises and writing poetry.
“He's great. When Jeremy introduced me to TestTakers on orientation day I instantly knew that he was trustworthy and connected to what he was saying. Especially when he told us that he got a 1600 every time he takes the SAT when using TestTakers strategies - I wanted in on that.”
"He's the total package. Explains everything using anecdotal examples and scenarios, he's hilarious and keeps the class engaged and entertained throughout lessons, and explains concepts very clearly, helps me understand mistakes, and is very approachable.”
“Jeremy is the best. He's so organized: always keeps us up to date with everything and pushes us every single week to keep preparing for this test. He makes it really easy to benefit from the course and fulfill our potential. Not to mention, there's, like, a hundred of us, and he knows who everyone is right away. No one can figure out how -- it's borderline sorcery."